The end of our fourth semester has come and so has the end of our Digital Learning workshop. This course was something necessary for our development as teachers who are part of a digital generation. Since artificial intelligences are rising up more and more, we need to be up do date with them to understand them, to know them and use them. Making use of AI’s has to be responsibly and ethically. In this course we learned all of that and more. The concept I recall the most is “media literacy”. I had read that term before but I never looked into it. When we got to see that concept deeply, I started to think to myself the way I use technology and decided I would do better from now on. So far I have been more conscious about my practices.

How has your perception of technology in education evolved throughout this course?
- Like I mentioned, the concept of media literacy changed my mindset on technology and how I use it. Also, my perception of technology evolved to a more appreciative way. I respect it more now, I am more careful around it and I’m interested in new breakthroughs or discoveries that they may bring. Furthermore, as a teacher I would like to foster a responsible use of it for my students in the future, because I think technology will be even crazier in about 4 years. I wish and look forward to educate students on the use of AI’s features that can be helpful for them.
+ Reflect on the potential drawbacks or limitations of technology in education, and propose strategies to address them.
- This topic is very interesting to me because I am never relaxed, I think about potential drawbacks of EVERYTHING, so of course I have thought of this before.
- Limitations: Education is all about people, and people are all different. Technology only targets certain people sometimes. Thankfully, there are other apps, websites or AIs’ that target the forgotten ones. But I think, will there ever be an AI resource that targets and embraces ALL people? Considering every disability and condition that a person could present. I don’t think so, at least not yet. However, technology can be very inclusive to certain groups of people, which is great! So, one of the limitations that technology has, in my opinion, is that no site has it all, but I trust that someday there will be.
- Drawbacks: Some of them are the fact that not everyone can access to them like it was mentioned before. Also, we can highlight the fact that to this day, media literacy is not something essential being taught to every single person. So, there is a huge amount of people that are using technology in an irresponsible way, creating cases of violation of privacy, doxxing, cyber-bullying and overexposure of ourselves.
- Strategies to target drawbacks and limitations: I do think there isn’t a single solution to modern days issues with technology, it has gone too far. However, what I think I can do as a future teacher is foster a healthy relationship with technology. I would like to be a role model in this area, so I better step up my own use of technologies.